Although there are many reasons this policy should be repealed, one fact that may surprise those who approve of DADT is its financial cost. Since its introduction, more than 13,000 soldiers have been discharged under the terms of the policy. Recruitment costs and costs of training have deprived the US of nearly $200 million from its start until 2003; that number has likely doubled since.
The glaringly obvious reason that the policy should be repealed is that it discriminates against GLBT soldiers serving in the military. Our nation's history is scattered with discrimination against gays, blacks, women, and a variety of other minority groups. At the time, there was vast support for many of these policies; in retrospect, however, the majority of such laws seem senseless and just plain stupid.
Every day that goes by, DADT comes closer to being repealed. Many celebrities, such as comedian Kathy Griffin, actively protest it, encouraging their fans to do the same. Other notable figures such as Lieutenant Dan Choi, who was recently discharged after coming out during an interview on The Rachel Maddow Show, work to spread the word about the injustice of DADT. The day this discriminatory law becomes history will be a victory for those who value equality.